A family orientated primary school and nursery where children learn together and grow together.
WelcomeA warm welcome to Tenterfields Primary Academy. We pride ourselves on being a family orientated, single form entry, community school. We have a maintained nursery offering morning, afternoon and 30 hours places.
We work closely with our parents, families and community to provide the finest, all-round education possible for our children, sharing in our statement of learning together, growing together.
We have had a brilliant start to Year 4! Everyone has quickly learned the rules and routines and has settled in really well.
We’ve had a fantastic start to the school year, with the children settling in brilliantly and showing tremendous enthusiasm. Our themed days have been a highlight, from exploring R.
We have had a wonderful start to the year and the children have really settled well into their new class.
Moving Up to Secondary School – Local Open Event Dates to Help You Decide! The move from primary to secondary school is an exciting milestone in your child’s educational journey! It’s…
We have had a fabulous start to Year 5! The children have quickly settled into Year 5 and have been working incredibly hard.
Windsor Academy Trust was formed to improve the quality of educational provision through the sharing of ideas and best practices amongst its schools.
Visit Website
Windsor Academy Trust, Trinity Point, High Street, Halesowen, B63 3HY
Phone: 0121 602 7594
Train to Teach With Us
Step into our welcoming school community, meet our inspiring teachers, and discover the exciting learning experiences that make Tenterfields Primary Academy special.
Click here to register and learn more about what we offer.