For early readers, this will mean that they will read the same book a number of times in one week. This helps our young readers to practise reading the words in their book over and over again to help build their fluency.
Certificates will be awarded in class assemblies. *A read is every time a child reads for 10 minutes a night.
For those children who leave key stage 1 having not achieved the statutory phonics screening daily phonics sessions continue, where appropriate. These children may also be identified by the SENDCO and additional further support is put in place as needed to remove barriers to reading for that child.
In Key Stage 2, children whose reading age is below that of where it should be read daily with an adult in school, providing them with the opportunity to further develop their speed, accuracy, expression and phrasing.
Our library is a peaceful and inviting environment which is designed to inspire our children to read for pleasure.
The children at Tenterfields visit the library once a week with their class and teacher. During the session, they are encouraged to make recommendations to peers and to look for books which peak both their reading and personal interests.
Our library also displays information about a new author every month and copies of texts written by the chosen author.
Our library is also home to our Reading Buddy team. Three times a week, our Year 5 Reading Buddies spend time listening to Year 1 and 2 pupils reading their banded books in the library. The aim of the Reading Buddy programme is to challenge our Year 5 readers to support younger learners and to provide more opportunities for our emerging readers to practise their reading fluency.