All children are welcome to stay for lunch. They can either bring a healthy packed lunch or, coming soon, order a hot meal for £2.55. For Nursery children, there is an additional £5 lunch charge for the childcare hour during lunchtime.
We promote a healthy lifestyle at Tenterfields Primary Academy and provide a healthy fruit or vegetable snack for the children each day. If you prefer to send your child to school with their own snack, we would encourage you to follow the guidance in our healthy eating policy. (Not sure what it’s called…)
We believe that snack time is an integral part of the school day and is an additional opportunity for learning.
In Nursery, we provide children with a drink, a healthy snack, and fruit at each session through our café-style snack system.We kindly ask for a voluntary contribution of £1 per week. This fund helps us offer a variety of snacks and allows us to purchase extra resources that enrich learning opportunities for the children.
In Reception, children use this opportunity to discuss learning themes and topics and take on roles such as cleaning the tables, taking orders and washing up in order to further develop their communication skills and a sense of responsibility.