11th October 2024
What another fabulous week in year 4! We’ve been continuing to develop our swimming skills and lots of children have been making great progress towards their awards.
In English, we have been working hard to write poems for the Young Writers competition. Everyone has had brilliant, creative ideas and have written some wonderful poems! We have now just begun our independent writing, using the Disney short film Feast to inspire us.
In Maths, we have been learning all about column addition and subtraction. We have been focussing on when we need to regroup as well as using number lines to count on to reach multiples of 1000.
In Science, we have begun our second topic, Living Things and Their Habitats. We have looked at what makes something a living thing and have learned all about MRS GREN. This week, we have explored outside to try and find some examples of vertebrates and invertebrates and at the start of our next lesson, we are going to have a go at sorting these in our groups.
In Art, we have been learning about the importance of pictures in stories and how they can help us to have a better understanding of what is happening or how certain characters might be feeling.