8th November 2024
We have had a brilliant start to the second half of the term in year 3. We have continued with our journey to stop those evil giants in the BFG. The children are really enjoying this book and his peculiar ways. We have been exploring our British values focusing on respect and tolerance. The children have been identifying the differences between us such as appearance, culture and religion. We have been looking at how we are all unique and that is what makes us special and the importance of respecting everyone's beliefs. We have also been exploring singing and learning all about Viking music which the children were very excited for.
In English we have been continuing our diary entries all about the great fire of London. The children are now preparing to write their very own diary entries where they are now a passenger on board the Titanic. Before we began our planning we had an experience day to make sure we had all our knowledge in order to write about the events of that night. The children talked through a timeline of events and completed a fact file quiz to remind us of what happened aboard the ship. The children have chosen if they are to be a first, second or third class passenger and have planned a sentence for each of the plot points ready to begin their independent drafts.
In maths we have begun our new topic all about addition and subtraction. We have been exploring the different strategies we can use to help solve the calculations. We have also been stretching our thinking to decide on the most effective strategy and why that strategy is the best to use. The children have begun by finding the rules to grids using the calculation strategies and have become great problem solvers.
In geography we have begun our new topic all about our region. We began by looking at our map reading skills. The children explored a compass and its purpose. We also learnt some rhymes to help us remember those four points. We then looked at the country we live in and what other countries make up the United Kingdom before looking at maps of the British Isles.
In science we are exploring the different soils around us. The children have collected soil samples from around school and observe the different types and also the different elements of the soil. They really enjoyed finding the different samples and exploring the different types of soils around the school and even encountering some creatures along the way.