24th January 2025
We have been having a great time in Reception Class continuing to learn about heroes. Last week we focused on good and bad characters in stories when the Evil Pea came to school! He froze some of our vegetables and we had to experiment with which was the best way to free them. We decided that warm water and scraping worked well. In our transient art, we have been exploring circles and we used more pieces of work by Wassily Kandinsky to inspire us, producing some super pieces of our own.
This week, our thoughts have turned to heroes in our community and we have been exploring people who help us. We found out about the fire service and worked together to build our own fire engine. We also got musical and performed some of our new nursery rhymes - ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly’ and ‘Doctor Foster’ on the stage. What a super fortnight, Class R! Well done for some great learning!