Tenterfields Primary Academy, Tenterfields, Halesowen, B63 3LH
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Nursery Blog - 27/09/2024

26th September 2024

Nursery have been exploring the book ‘It’s Okay To Be Different’. In class provision they have been expressing their likes and dislikes by exploring the classroom environment. We have focused on hair colour, eye colour and skin colour. The children have learnt the BSL signs for the same and different. Have a look at how you could do these signs using the online BSL dictionary Same & Different.






The children's awareness of themselves and others has improved and they have been able to apply this to their face drawings, fingerprint patterns as well as playdough and nature faces.

In maths, nursery class has been looking at colour. We began by exploring red, yellow and blue; it was interesting to the children to see what happened when colours were mixed. They explored this through the media of paint. Mixing colours has introduced us to orange, purple and green which allowed us to discuss and compare our favourite colours.

Phonics has been an opportunity for nursery class to focus on our listening skills. The children have been tuning in to environmental sounds using their laminated listening ears and playing listening games. Some of our games have included sounds around the homes, sleepy sofa sounds and listening walks.

Nursery can now do their bear sitting on the carpet and use their tracking eyes to look at the teacher.