10th October 2024
During ‘Black History Month’, Nursery has been focused on the book ‘Look Up’ which explores the travels of the first African-American women in space, Mae Jamison. The children have been outside looking up at our sky to see what we can see when we look up. We saw clouds this week. The children have explored some of the cultural differences between themselves and others. We used our fine motor skills to add protective beads to the hair (pipe cleaners) to show wealth and beauty. We also made our own African patterns using finger painting dabbers in traditional colours. The children have enjoyed their continued topic of same and different and applied their knowledge to black history month.
Nursery have been on a listening walk to improve their phonics skills. The children were able to tune in to the environmental sounds both inside and outside of school. Our giant listening ears supported our concentration and ability to focus on familiar sounds.
During maths, we have continued to explore matching, we noticed that matching was a similar skill to finding the same or different from our previous learning. We built towers which matched our learning cards and recognised why some were a match or not a match depending on their colour.
We explored some new sensory materials this week which were very exciting, the children especially enjoyed mark making in the flour as well as searching for emotion monsters in the rainbow confetti. At the play dough station, the children made their own Mr Potato people focusing on where each body part was positioned and which accessories they would wear. Nursery also showcased their cutting skills this week as part of their baseline assessments. The children were able to make snips in the paper and some were Webb able to make patterns and cut shakes. Wow!
We also welcomed a new friend into our class this week. Florence had a lovely time exploring all of the activities, she liked our dressing up basket and the role play home corner. We love meeting new friends at Tenterfields.